$127.00 USD

6 monthly payments

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All sales are final BUT transferable for 14 days. If you start & this is not be the best place for you to start, we will transfer your entire investment to 1-1 support with Janelle. All 6 payments are required & you will lose access if you break the agreement.

Your situation, relationship, & needs are unique. Let's do a private coaching session to breakthrough your blocks, help you bring the changes you desire into your relationship, and keep you accountable when life gets busy.

This signifiant discount is a ONE TIME ONLY OFFER to reward you for joining Feminine Confidence Formula


Feminine Confidence Formula Will Help You...

Go From Never Being 'In The Mood' To A Confident Sensual Woman, Who Knows What She Wants, Expresses Herself, Enjoys Intimacy, & Desires Her Partner... 

 + so you can transform your "good" relationship into the deeply connected, growing together, wild romance you crave!

You'll have LIFETIME ACCESS to:

  • Feminine Confident Formula Course
  • Clear Action StepsExperiments, Challenges, & Plan
  • Bedside Manual For Quick Reference Of Essentials 
  • Lifetime AccessGo At Your Own Pace

POPULAR BONUSES ($2000 value)

  • 8 In-Home Therapeutic Date Nights ($1000 value)
  • Relationship Meeting Magic: An Intimacy Check-In Guide

  • Kinda Kinky - Find Turn-On That You Didn't Know Existed

  • Start Meaningful Conversations Daily

  • Unlocking Desire: Watch-and-Learn Real Couples Transform Intimacy Struggles

  • Slow Sex - Do It Different
  • Keep The Spark Alive With Meaningful Dates

What Women Are Saying:

For years I felt like there was something wrong with me and I searched desperately for a way to fix myself. Through Janelle's coaching, I learned that I wasn't actually broken and I certainly wasn't alone. She gave me the tools to get to the heart of the matter and helped me find the confidence and desire I had been searching for.


MAJOR Improvements in 2 months!

She taught me, a non-sexual person, how to be in a healthy and fulfilling relationship with a highly sexual man. I now have a higher libido and ACTUALLY FIND MYSELF WANTING SEX, which I've never experienced in my life. It's amazing.


Janelle has completely transformed my life and way of thinking. She is a coach unlike any other. She has completely changed my thought patterns after so many years of negative thinking. Through her coaching my confidence has changed & she has helped me through some really deep seated issues in only a matter of weeks. Now, I know what I want in life and I know how to be a confident woman, comfortable with who I am. I can’t thank Janelle enough. This was the best decision I have ever made!


We have become so much more connected in just two weeks

I have learned to tune into my own mind and body and recognize the stories, perceptions, and fears that can get in the way of asking for what I desire. I have a tendency to people please and I’ve been learning that asking for what I want is an act of vulnerability but at the same time, is also a show of strength and self-respect. I’m excited to be navigating a new relationship where we have been able to set a really strong foundation in our communication and intentional connection. I no longer wait for my partner to read my mind and we’re both happier for it!
