$400.00 USD

Get A Private Coaching Session With Janelle For Only $97 (Reg ONLY available to members of my $2000 program + $200/session)

Your situation, relationship, & needs are unique. Let's do a private coaching session to breakthrough your blocks, help you bring the changes you desire into your relationship, and keep you accountable when life gets busy.

This signifiant discount is a ONE TIME ONLY OFFER to reward you for joining the 'In The Mood' Experience! 


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'In The Mood' Women's Experience

Complete the form to get a step-by-step video training + guide to discover what you need & want to enjoy frequent & fulfilling intimacy with your partner...

without any pressure to do anything right away with this new knowledge!

It will save you YEARS of trying to figure it out on your own & when you are ready you will have the tools to feel confident as a woman & completely in love and connected to your partner!

What you'll get:

  • In The Mood Women's Experience (5 Lessons)
  • BONUS: Educate Your Partner With Ease: Partner Video Invitation
  • BONUS: Secret Seduction Lesson
  • BONUS: Intimate Quickies (<5min) Challenges
  • BONUS: Action Step & Progress Tracker

YOU’RE BACKED BY OUR 14-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: If for whatever reason the In The Mood Women's Experience wasn't a helpful step in your journey, request a refund within the first 14 days with your completed homework and get your investment back. To be clear, homework, troubleshooting effort, and the completion of the full experience are required for all refund requests.

What Women Are Saying:

She taught me, a non-sexual person, how to be in a healthy and fulfilling relationship with a highly sexual man. I now have a higher libido and ACTUALLY FIND MYSELF WANTING SEX, which I've never experienced in my life. It's amazing.

I no longer think that I am a "broken" woman. I hadn't been prioritizing my needs because I didn't know what my needs were. Prior to Janelle's coaching, I only knew about one type of intimacy (sex) and that was very limiting and anxiety-inducing. Janelle taught me that intimacy isn't just sex & introduced me to a range of options. Janelle taught me how to: love and accept myself more, make more space for my needs, & how to communicate those needs to my partner.

MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS IN TWO MONTHS: As soon as I found Janelle, I told my boyfriend that I knew her tips would be what would make our relationship better. I was right!

Prior to finding Janelle, I felt a lot of shame. I didn't have a very high libido, I found it difficult to get over past sexual trauma, & and I just didn't find sex appealing. For the last two year, I had been looking for a teacher who would understand me. I found Janelle (in March 2020). She embodies an amazing duality: she shares her personal story so you don’t feel alone but is objective enough to coach you through your specific situation.

She teaches women how to make things interesting in a relationship again, HOW TO 'RESET' A RELATIONSHIP and how to establish an exciting playing ground within it, whether that be sexual or not, and no matter how "dead" the relationship might seem.

A couple of months ago, I entered Janelle's community feeling like a malfunctioning 20-year-old. I am young, don’t have kids, an established career, & I am not married to my partner. I told myself that I was "broken" because I didn't have any "real" problem in my relationship. I was hard on myself for not being happy with what I had & for wanting more. However, as soon as I got rid of my internalized stigma that younger individuals and newer relationships had to be sex-driven, couldn't be struggling, & need work. I was able to apply Janelle's advice to my young relationship. Everything changed!