Feminine Confidence Formula

This is the most supportive & fastest way for you to Heal Your Intimacy Struggle & Unlock the Woman You Dream To Be & Create the Life and Love You Deserve.

You have LIFETIME ACCESS to 12 Video Lessons will walk you step-by-step through:

[ 1 ] Discover & Release Any Intimacy Blocks, Trauma, & Shame That Has Been Holding You Back

[ 2 ] Access Your Unique Feminine Wisdom & Inner Guidance. Cultivating A Deep & Positive Relationship With Yourself Provides You With Answers That Only You Know.

[ 3 ] Boost Your Self-Confidence, Self-Love, and Self-Talk. Master the Skill of Being Your Own Cheerleader

[ 4 ] Develop Emotional Intelligence & Master Your Emotions So You Can Process Unresolved Emotions, Honour Your Feelings, Breakdown Resistance, & Get Out Of Your Own Damn Way

[ 5 ] Desire More Intimacy By Creating A Balanced Lifestyle That Allows For Both The Time To Desire & The Energy Left For Intimacy 

[ 6 ] Experience Genuine Turn On & Create More Satisfying Experiences When You Understand Your Needs/Desires & Your Unique Approach To Intimacy

[ 7 ] Confidently Express Your Needs & Desires. Learn How To Prepare For, Participant In, & Close Meaningful Conversations That Lead To Progress

[ 8 ] Throughly Enjoy Intimacy & Receive Pleasure By Learning How To Approach Physical Intimacy In New & Exciting Way That Allows You To Slow Down, Savour The Moment & Leave You Feeling Blissed Out

[ 9 ] Break The Cycle Of Old Relationship Patterns & Rewiring How You Touch & Interact. Explore Playful Experiments & Challenges Create Something Special That Creates Mutual Satisfaction

[ 10 ] Strengthen Your Relationship With Meaningful & Transformative Conversations. Access Our Quick Conversation Starters & Challenges To Give You The Courage & Skills To Navigate Vulnerable Topics


You will receive: 

  • 12 Video Lessons With Specific Action Steps To Make Progress
  • Detailed Manual For Quick Reference Of Essentials 
  • Lifetime Access: Go At Your Own Pace: Binge It or Take It Slow!
  • Experiments, Challenges, & A Plan
  • BONUS: Intimacy & Libido Q&A Video Library - REAL Couples Struggles & Solutions ($500 value)

What Women Are Saying:

She taught me, a non-sexual person, how to be in a healthy and fulfilling relationship with a highly sexual man. I now have a higher libido and ACTUALLY FIND MYSELF WANTING SEX, which I've never experienced in my life. It's amazing.


We have become so much more connected in just two weeks

Janelle has completely transformed my life and way of thinking. She is a coach unlike any other. She has completely changed my thought patterns after so many years of negative thinking. Through her coaching my confidence has changed & she has helped me through some really deep seated issues in only a matter of weeks. Now, I know what I want in life and I know how to be a confident woman, comfortable with who I am. I can’t thank Janelle enough. This was the best decision I have ever made!


MAJOR Improvements in 2 months!

For years I felt like there was something wrong with me and I searched desperately for a way to fix myself. Through Janelle's coaching, I learned that I wasn't actually broken and I certainly wasn't alone. She gave me the tools to get to the heart of the matter and helped me find the confidence and desire I had been searching for.


I have learned to tune into my own mind and body and recognize the stories, perceptions, and fears that can get in the way of asking for what I desire. I have a tendency to people please and I’ve been learning that asking for what I want is an act of vulnerability but at the same time, is also a show of strength and self-respect. I’m excited to be navigating a new relationship where we have been able to set a really strong foundation in our communication and intentional connection. I no longer wait for my partner to read my mind and we’re both happier for it!


$2,000.00 USD

All sales are final BUT transferable for 14 days. If you start & this is not be the best place for you to start, we will transfer your entire investment to another option. 

Your situation, relationship, & needs are unique. Let's do a private coaching session to breakthrough your blocks, help you bring the changes you desire into your relationship, and keep you accountable when life gets busy.

This signifiant discount is a ONE TIME ONLY OFFER to reward you for joining Feminine Confidence Formula